in home day in the life family photography


In February, I was invited to photograph one of my favorite families at their charming ranch house style home in Ravensdale, Washington. I love photographing this family because they are FULL of life. I would choose to hang out with them all day even if they didn't hire me. 

Jamie (mom) is all about the REAL. Her facebook profile reads, "embracing imperfection on the daily." 


I know it's important to her to have pictures of the perfectly imperfect things, the chaos of life as she's living in it, right now. Because even though it's enough to make you crazy on your best day, we'll just blink and the finger smudged windows, the stickers on the car door handle, naked barbies strewn about the floor -- will all be behind us.


She told me that every time she sees this stop sign, it reminds her to pause. To take a moment in the chaos to remember to soak it in. She remembers to be grateful for it all in that moment. The good, bad, the overwhelming, the beautiful. ALL OF IT. 


Not only did that inspire me to make a picture for her, it inspired me to do the same. No matter how hard the day is, I have SO MUCH to be thankful for.

One day, we will all feel like it just flew by. You know what they say, the days are long but the years are short. Most likely, we will have mom guilt that tries to tell us we didn't do enough or we didn't stop to soak it in. But lets remind ourselves that we did. We did our best. We stopped, took a deep breath, and soaked it all in.