And now, for the fun part

You get to stretch your legs and apply everything you’ve learned and observed so far!

it’s time to take some pictures!!

Go around your house and grab 3-5 objects. Pick any item you want to take a picture of. It might be a book, your favorite stuffy, an apple, or anything else your brain can think up!

Now, take a look at each object individually. Begin by studying the object like you did your hand. What do you see? Describe it. Now, shift your eyes to the space around it, the negative space. Describe what you see now. 

Once you’ve studied the positive and negative space of each object, grab your camera! 

Take a picture of each object that emphasizes the positive space. Make that object the main subject or lead character of your photo! Try putting it in the center of the picture. Take some close to the object. Then step back and take some further away.

Here are a few examples of items you could take pictures of around the house. Have fun selecting items and getting creative with your photos!

Now, take a photo that really shows the negative space. Try moving around and making the object on the right side of the photo, or the left. Try getting close to take a photo of part of the object, rather than the whole thing. Try putting the item in front of a blank wall or a fun color that you like!