gurney tourney - basketball for a cause

I’m about to tell you about one of my favorite people. This isn’t an easy story to tell, but it is one that is close to my heart.

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You know when you’re planning to marry someone and there is a small list of people you “have to meet” before you make it official? Those friends that are so much like family that they may as well be. Well, these people were that for us. I didn’t meet the whole family until I met them.

They are the best people in all the land. Loving, a hoot and a half, and always there for you. When you are around this family, you always feel loved and you always feel supported. Needless to say, I fell in love with them quickly and we were able to move forward with the wedding plans.

They have been a huge part of our lives for years. They’ve attended our wedding showers, birthday parties, baby shower. I’ve taken their son’s senior pictures. These are the best boys you will ever meet. Full smiles and laughter. The kind that is contagious wherever they go. Tragically, we lost the oldest, Brian, in a hiking accident a few years ago. We all miss him so much and his joy and goodness lives on in the people who were lucky enough to know him.

These wonderful folks created an event to celebrate his life every year in Skagit Valley. The Gurney Tourney basketball tournament. Kids from all over the valley come together to celebrate his life, connect with one another, and raise money for a scholarship fund, shooting hoops. There is so much joy in this event. As there should be because Brian had ample smiles and laughs to share.