black and white lifestyle photography

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For a long time, I was only delivering color images to my clients. I think I felt like mini sessions called for color, because typically we are doing colorful things, apples, pumpkins, blueberries… all beautiful and lovely fully expressed in color!

Recently, I came to a different conclusion.

I spent the last year (2020) in hibernation and most of it unable to take photos of my favorite families. One of my ways of dealing with this was to look through old photos and study them. As a result, I found out more about my work and myself. I feel more connected to who I am as an artist and what I am drawn to as a photographer.

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One of the things I am the most drawn to is exploring elements and principles of design in my photography. I learned about this thoroughly in grad school when I studied interior design.

While going through my archive, I decided to try editing photos in black and white that I originally edited in color. What I realized was that having black and white images allows me to see some of these elements and principles more clearly. I am able to analyze repetition, line, texture, etc. in a deeper way.

With that being said, not only am I digging deeper into making better and better photos, but I also think maybe my clients would like some black and white images too! So a new feature I am adding in 2021 is an optional black and white extended gallery!!

If you love black and white photography and think they are just super timeless, I am right there with you. Let’s make some beautiful art for your walls. Meet me at the beach this summer with your beach buckets, shovels, swimsuits, blankets, and picnics. I would love to photograph your family just being you TOGETHER, loving, and living life with your favorites.

Love your photographer,


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