my top five favorite things to do for summer sessions // black and white

I was thinking about my seasonal mini sessions and how great they are!

(insert clapping emoji here)

Haha, no, this is not a humble brag. I’m not actually talking about my pictures in this post, but rather about the awesome stuff you can do for your summer family pictures!

Ok so. Obviously, my top favorite things to do at any of my seasonal mini sessions is take beautiful photos of your sweet fams and HANG OUT WITH YOU! But, I have a million blog posts that talk about that. This time, I want to highlight some awesome things you can do for your backyard summer mini sessions!

  1. play in the sprinkler and run around the yard

  2. eat delicious s’mores at your family fire pit

  3. take a walk through the woods and locate worms

  4. pick flowers and put them in your hair

  5. watch the sunset with your favorite people on the planet

If you have tried any of these things yourself, please comment or reach out! I would love to hear your favorite ways to enjoy your backyard in the summer.

Love, your photographer
