blueberry farm mini sessions + documenting babies grow up

I often talk about having a deep connection with my families. That family photography is not just a job to me, it’s my life. It’s my art, my passion and it’s also my social life. So many of my dear friends supported me from the VERY beginning when I was still shooting in auto.

Feeling love and support like that is something that is difficult to describe. Having people who believe in me even when I’m still learning is something I will never take lightly. It’s because of these families that I have not only been able to build a family photography business that I love, but they’ve given me the space to grow my craft and evolve as a photographer and artist.

This family is one of those families. They are basically celebrities on this blog because I take their pictures so dang much!!

I have documented their family through the years from maternity to newborn shoots, water balloon fights, holiday cookie decorations, birthday parties… all the things.

Their kids have become my friends and even have a special nickname for me “Nanna.”

This connectedness with my families not only fills my heart with joy and gives me the most beautiful purpose as a family photographer, but it also helps me to make great photos for my families. You see, when the kids know me, they are more comfortable to be themselves right from the start. Allowing me to take real life family photos in the short time frame of a mini session.

I am also very focused on getting to know my families so I can make authentic photos for them. Not cookie cutter portraits, but meaningful pictures that you can look at through the years and say, oh that is soooo my daughter!!

That’s the good stuff, folks.

A message to this sweet fam,

THANK YOU for believing in me and trusting me to document your lives. I am so happy to know you and I hope your girls never tire of my sweet nickname!

