blueberry farm mini sessions // my happy place

The Blueberry Farm - my happy place

Blueberry farm sessions looked a little different this year. I couldn’t hug my families. I wore a mask and stayed 6’ away. I smiled with my eyes and yelled my giddy happiness to see them through my face covering. It was different. 

But it was still so good!

So good to pick up my camera again. 

So good to see people again. 

So good to experiment with my artistry again.

So good to support a family-owned farm again. 

It had been three whole months since the world shut down and I was so eager to see my favorite clients on the planet and return to my craft. I have never known more passion for my photography than when it was taken away. I believe I am a better photographer after this journey. I see 2020 as a milestone in my career that I will always look back on. Distance truly makes the heart grow fonder and that happened between me and photography.

love your photographer,


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