everyday shapes

think about the shapes around you

The shapes you see right now, while you’re sitting at your desk or at the table, doing this lesson.

Think about the shapes you see in your everyday life. When you eat your favorite dinner or while you’re riding in the car.

Here are a few I thought up! Can you think of any others?

As you start to think about shapes in this way, you will begin to see the world around you differently.

You will no longer just see a book. You will see it as a rectangle. You will see the way the pages make an array of lines as you move your finger across them, how the words on the pages make lines across the page. Thinking in this way is like wearing special glasses.

So when you put them on, it’s like you have a super power.

A super power to SEE the world around you in the most beautiful, complex ways. In your own unique way.

And THAT is how you make pictures from your heart.