what is positive and negative space?


Positive space is typically taken up by an object, or something solid.


The space around it is the NEGATIVE SPACE.


Think about the glass half empty and half full scenario. If a glass is filled up halfway with your favorite drink, you might see the glass as half empty or half full. You can recognize that half of the glass is taken up my something (the beverage - this is the POSITIVE space) and the other half is taken up by air (NEGATIVE space).


This also applies to objects and the space around them. Hold your hand up and look at it. Spread your fingers wide. What do you see? (Write some ideas down in your notebook)


Do you see skin, lines, veins, and fingernails? Now look at the space around your hands and fingers. Are you beginning to see the outline that your hands make? The space between your fingers? THIS is negative space.