extra research
Quick note for your parents:
Parent supervision suggested: art can be very expressive and sometimes surprising in content. I encourage parents to look these up with the kids and make it a fun activity, together!
Here’s just a handful of artist to explore that are known for using repetition in interesting ways.
One of the artists most popular for this is Andy Warhol .
He is super well known for his style called pop art. Using objects that are popular and trendy in paintings, silkscreening, and photography.
He used color and repetition to show a common object (like a banana or a soup can) in various ways.
Here are some other examples of pop art using common or trendy objects, color and repetition. Some of them clearly inspired by Warhol’s work.
Another artist who used repetition as a major element in her work is Alma Thomas. She used repetition of color AND SHAPE to make her designs.
Here are two examples of how she used repetition of shape in her art:
Snoopy--Early Sun Display on Earth
Her work looks similar to a mosaic, which is traditionally made with pieces of paper or broken pieces of glass or stone put together in a design. Very similar to what you did on your first activity! Cutting out elements from a magazine and creating a new image from them.
But Alma Thomas used paint! This repetition of shapes and color create beautiful abstract paintings.
You can learn more about these artists and explore their styles with these art projects via our kid photo class pinterest board!