And now, for the fun part

You get to stretch your legs and apply everything you’ve learned and observed so far!

it’s time for an activity!!

Let’s talk about repetition and music.

  1. Think about your favorite song

  2. If you have the lyrics memorized, write them down.

  3. If you don’t have them memorized, find them. You can find them on the album or cd, if you’re parents still have those around! Or, you can have your parent help you look them up online.

  4. Find any sort of repetition in the song you love. Write the words that are repeated and think about why the artist might want to emphasize those lyrics.



6. This part is optional. If you have a newspaper or magazines, grab them! Decide which words from the song you’d like to make your art with. Find the words, or the letters that make up the words, in the magazine. Cut them out and glue them to a piece of paper or canvas.

7. Decorate it!! — use paint, marker, pencil, or even more magazine or paper cut outs. Have fun with it and make it a beautiful piece of art that represents what you like.
