
I am so excited to learn with you.

We will be using art and games to explore gradient in photography.

And begin to find your unique point of view as a photographer!


A Note for Parents

This is a self-guided tour of photography through color and value gradients.

If your kids are under the age of seven, they might need your help reading and understanding the content. I encourage you to allow them to express themselves in any way that they find useful during this exploration. There are no rules or wrong answers! There is not simply one way to make a photo or a painting. Just like there is no one way to interpret a piece of art.

With that in mind, please encourage your child to do these exercises with as much flare or sense of self as they see fit. They can answer the questions out loud or choose to write them in a notebook. You can print it and get out all the art supplies. The little ones might enjoy making shapes with fishy crackers or cutting shapes out of construction paper. The bottom line is, have fun!!

Please keep in mind that there are links in this class. I have done my best to assure that they are safely connected to age appropriate content (museums, my pinterest boards, artist information) but I just want to be sure to clearly communicate that your children might navigate off my site to learn more and study the topic. Please clearly communicate with them regarding internet safety.