Anna Nodolf | Documentary Family Photographer

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portrait of a husband

We were at our daughter’s school for the book fair on warm spring evening. She picked out about a million books including More Girls Who Rocked The World, super on brand for her.

So, my husband was in this really great light, holding our seven year old daughter’s new book about rad women who made history. And I said to myself, “Well, I must have a picture of that.” And so I took it.

We don’t have a ton of pictures of just him. Quite a few of him hanging out with our kid and living life, but super rare to get a moment like this. He didn’t say much when I showed it to him, but then I caught a peek of it as his profile picture for work, so I’m pretty sure he likes it.

And now, I have hatched a devious plan to make more of these portraits for him.
