Anna Nodolf | Documentary Family Photographer

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seattle newborn photography // pets are family in black and white

I love to photograph you in your everyday life with the people you love most.

For most of you, that includes furry family members. One of my favorite sessions to include pets in is newborn photography.

I love witnessing the gentleness and care the family pet is with your brand new human. The curiosity, the sniffs, the snuggles, the watchful eye - all help to tell the story of your precious pet getting acquainted with their new human.

Just look at my cute fams and their sweet babies.

So, if you’re looking to book an in-home, newborn session and you’re interested in including your pets, the answer is HECK YES! Let’s do it. I can’t wait to meet every single member of your sweet fam, both the new and the furry.

love your photographer,
