Anna Nodolf | Documentary Family Photographer

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birthday party documentary style coverage

Usually, I’m a fan of documenting the everyday rather than the milestones. But, this is different.

Birthday parties.

I love telling the stories that matter through my pictures. Documenting your child, your grandma, or even your puppy celebrating another year of this beautiful life is such a fun way to do that.

Plus, I love a good party!!

I have a handful of pictures from each of my daughter’s birthdays.

At the time, it kinda stressed me and I would have rather spent time hanging out with my family and party guests. But looking back on them, I am SO RELIEVED I have them. Takes me right back to that day and I’m warmed with the memories of my baby at each age, growing up.

Some families throw a big shindig, invite family and friends, and I make pictures of them having a grand ol’ time. Others prefer to celebrate with just their little fam bam, which I also love. Such an intimate, lovely time photographing family just being themselves with the people they love most.

Whatever your preference on how to party, consider arranging to have it photographed.

This will result in way less time with your phone in your face. You won’t have to document it yourself. You will be free to live in the moment and soak it all in. Plus, you’ll end up with pictures that will allow you to relive it over and over, and that’s the best life, isn’t it?!

Love your photographer,
