Anna Nodolf | Documentary Family Photographer

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seattle newborn photographer // family photography at home

Photographing families in their homes with a fresh baby is pretty magical.

I don’t claim to be the baby whisperer. I don’t spend the whole shoot soothing baby so we can get these pretty, posey, perfect shots. In fact, perfect is a little overrated.

REAL is the new perfect.

I mean, just look at this sweet baby. The last thing she needs is for me to decide how she should be posed, she does a much better job of that herself. This stretch is everyyyything.

And her adoring mom, just loving her life while she watches her new baby. That’s the good stuff.

I’ve been photographing this family for a while now. This sweet mom (Michele) and I worked together at a coffee shop years ago. When she started having sweet babies, she called me up to document this beautiful time of her life. Photographing newborns is such a dream. And it’s extra special when those clients are friends of mine.

I love to photograph every sweet movement.

Every little detail on your newborn baby is beautiful. And I want to photograph it so you can revisit this sacred season of life any time you want.

Imagine yourself in ten years. Your little baby is now hit double digits. She’s a preteen. Big girl, slayin it at the things she loves. Soccer, music, dance… You find yourself reminiscing about the old days when she was just a newborn baby. So tiny. So warm and snuggly. Fully dependent on you for every little thing. Your nostalgia prompts you to pull down her newborn album from the shelf. Flipping through the photos, you’re brought right back to this moment. By looking at the photos, you can feel the soft skin of your newborn baby girl. You can smell that sweet, newborn baby smell. You can hear the laughter of your older child as you played with him between feedings.

A new baby changes everything. Life slows down for just a bit as you soak in this new member of the fam. Routines get mixed up and new family traditions are made. It is such a special time that tends to fly by and you are probably so tired that you won’t remember most of it.

Unless you have pictures of it, that is.

Love, your photographer
