Anna Nodolf | Documentary Family Photographer

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family photos in a lavender field

Sounds pretty magic, right?

Well, it is. For so many reasons.

I am all about REAL family photos. Documenting your family, living your best life TOGETHER.

Your family is always changing. As your children grow, not only do their features change, but their personalities and depth of connection with each other do too. My photography is all about celebrating the everyday. But it’s also deeper than that. It’s about getting to know your family and making photos that capture the essence of who you are.

I want to make photos that are “so on brand” and represent your family culture. Not because you are like all of my other families, but because you ARE NOT.

So that was a bit of a rabbit trail, but back to lavender field mini sessions and why they are magic.

Lavender Valley Farm is located in the foothills of the cascade mountains. It is a beautiful farm with apple trees, a small market selling natural homemade remedies and products, and of course, a field of lavender to pick some beautiful, fragrant bundles to take home with you!

So, not only are you taking beautiful family pictures and making memories with your favorites in a field of sweet-smelling lavender, but you are supporting two women-owned businesses while you’re at it. What a day!!

If you’re overdue for some family pictures and you want to hang out in a field of lavender, give your girl a shout.

Love your photographer,
